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Whether looking to relax, relieve a headache, or lower your blood pressure you are in the right place.
More than a luxury, massage is a vital part of self-care that has a positive ripple effect on you as you work, play, and care for others. Massage Advantage is not only providing this care, but is providing it at a discount which has been most helpful during these economic times.
Massage Advantage knows the benefits of massage therapy and works to provide its clients with the care they need to continue receiving. Massage can boost immunity which helps to fend off illnesses–meaning fewer medical bills and days off work, which are important elements that effect your life. In addition a few of the other benefits that massage therapy can provide are better sleep, reduced anxiety, and a sense of emotional balance.
Now, more than ever, Massage Advantage is playing a role in reducing the stress and strengthening the health of Americans. When our clients feel their best, they are more likely to be able to face the challenges that difficult times present with poise, clarity of purpose, and strengthened emotional reserves. The better you feel, the better job you can do of caring for yourself and your loved ones.
Truly, massage is more than a luxury–it’s a vital part of self-care that has a positive ripple effect on us as we work, play, and care for others.
Following are three health reasons that encompass why all American adults should take advantage of the care available at Massage Advantage:
Children are very sensitive and often pick up on tension in the household. Massage therapy helps parents who are taking this step in caring for themselves to be better caregivers and provide a sense of security for their kids. This is the same for caregivers of aging parents and other family members as well. Massage Advantage provides this tension relief, clearer thinking, and emotional balance as a result of our therapeutic massages.
The health benefits of massage can help forestall illnesses and lost work time, especially when you may be asked to produce more with fewer resources. Other factors include decision-making skills and job performances often being improved. These are a result of clearer focus and more energy that can be sought after through Massage Advantage’s therapeutic massages.
A hint for the boss: Research shows employees exhibit less stress and improved performance when given twice-weekly, 15-minute massages in the office! Call our Massage Advantage location at (504) 688-7255 to host a free chair massage in your workplace for not only the employees’ benefits, but also yours.
A hint for the employee: Experience also shows that a 1 hour massage has the same relaxing and stress-relieving benefits as a 2-day vacation. When you don’t have time or your boss would like to send you on a vacation to relax, let your body take a healthy and relaxing vacation with a 1 hour massage at Massage Advantage. Call to schedule: (504) 688-7255
Proactively caring for your health with massage therapy may help reduce costly doctor visits and use of prescription and over-the-counter medications. Those with already existing health conditions can continue to reap benefits in the following ways:
Firbo patients receiving massage also have less pain, depression, anxiety, stiffness, fatigue, and sleep problems.
Some medical professionals believe massage also reduces tearing, shortens labor, reduces the need for medication and shortens hospital stays.
(Source: American Massage Therapy Association)
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